Valentine's Day SUGAR FEST with Hedley & Bennett Aprons!!

Tori West

Hedley & Bennett Valentines Day


The Apron Squad HQ is big on Valentine's Day, it is just the right amount of sentiment and sugar!

Because sitting on our hands and waiting for the Day of Love is not an option worth taking, we thought we would kick off Valentine's Day 2016 with a dessert-inspired countdown,


February 1-14th we'll be sharing our favorite sugary creations on Instagram and we want to see your go-to delectable desserts too!!

Tag us and @guittardchocolate and use #14HBsweets to share your sugary creations. We’ll pick one lucky winner at the end!

Please enjoy responsibly. 

Hedley & Bennett 14 Days Of Sweets!

@AlanaKysar with Guittard Chocolate